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Episode 41: Stunning Results with Award Winning Vancouver Interior Designer, Reisa Pollard

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Topics Discussed

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  • [00:46] The importance of solidifying relationships
  • [06:10] Considerations around hiring a designer
  • [07:58] Knowing who to take on as a client
  • [13:24] Working with ultra-wealthy clients
  • [16:56] Doing business in a culturally diverse market
  • [24:21] Design trends that emerged due to COVID
  • [25:27] Why Reisa decided to become an interior designer
  • [29:34] What to do when you feel you’ve gone off-track on a project
  • [34:32] Keeping up with the latest technologies
  • [35:26] Staying cutting edge while adhering to timeless style
  • [38:26] Spain versus Italy versus Germany
  • [42:54] What Reisa is most excited about in business
  • [48:25] Scaling the business and adding new team members
  • [51:48] How to manage multiple ultra-high-net-worth clients
  • [52:59] Where Reisa sees herself in five years and what she is most proud of

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Connect with Guest

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Key Quotes from Episode

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  • A lot of people can go to school for the rest of their life and never have that intuition as to how to create good design.
  • I want to have a touchpoint with each and every client and assure them that I don’t need to be on the frontlines for everything. My staff is more than capable of all the work that needs to be done.
  • I love this industry because you never stop learning.

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