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Episode 20: Justin Ford of Ford’s Experience (Naples, FL)

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Justin kicks off the conversation reflecting on how he shifted from an early life of juvenile delinquency to managing ten employees at the ripe young age of 18. His troubled youth, combined with his time in the military, instilled within Justin a strong sense of purpose and desire to pay it forward.[/vc_column_text][mk_padding_divider size=”20″][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” title=”Fords Experience” desc=”Naples, FL”][mk_padding_divider size=”20″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1637204290815{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Of his clients, Justin always asks, “How can I serve them well? How can I be authentic?” It is a way of thinking he developed largely thanks to his father’s saying that “money is a consequence of good business.”

It’s an approach that also extends to his own team. Justin notes that, because he has such a powerful focus on his team’s why, he has candidates write out their mission statement to even be considered for employment.

Finally, Justin speaks on his passion for God, his Russian wife, and his kids, and the daily habits he has committed to for the sake of his mental and emotional health, as well as to nurture his relationship with his family.[/vc_column_text][mk_padding_divider size=”20″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1625782555768{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Topics Discussed

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  • [03:40] Justin’s backstory and early successes
  • [17:34] Gaining the trust of ultra-wealthy clients at the age of 28 and finding his why
  • [30:21] Justin’s morning routine
  • [36:27] How Justin’s Russian wife adjusted to life with him in the States
  • [42:25] How Justin’s wife reprogrammed her mind to embrace her dreams
  • [48:10] What Justin learns from his billionaire clients
  • [1:02:53] Making difficult decisions
  • [1:08:13] Learning from mistakes and failure

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Connect with Guest

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Key Quotes from Episode

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  • Your time is going to come. We all look back five years ago and the experience we had. That was yesterday. Why in the world can’t you realize that and that five years from now, you’re going to say the same thing?
  • Everybody wants to look good. We pretend to not pretend. If you really want to look good, stop it. What do you gain? It actually makes you look bad.
  • If you’re not happy, something’s wrong. If you have a broken leg, do you walk around on it? No. If you have crippling anxiety, people ignore it. I’m sorry, but that’s broken. You’ve got to go fix it.
  • We know the results of making a bad decision. We do not think about the results of not making a decision.

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