Finishing Touches with Indoor House Plants & Succulents

Bringing Nature Indoors
by Annie Allard
Your new build or remodel is complete. The art and photography are hung. Your sundries and accessories are put away, and you take a step back and realize – something is missing. Your dog enters the room, and you smile, recognizing that your home’s overall appeal might also benefit from some flora as well.
Houseplants and succulents are an excellent way to elevate your home’s interior space from the living room to the bathroom. If you have cats or dogs, here are a few beautiful options to keep them safe
- Birds Nest Ferns enjoys humidity. Perfect for a bathroom counter.
- Boston Fern enjoys being misted and will fill your space with its luxurious fronds.
- Rattlesnake Plant is a gorgeous addition to any low-light area.
- Pony Tail Palm is a low-maintenance choice that adds a lot of character to any counter or tabletop

For homeowners who prefer to live pet-free, here’s a shortlist of indoor plants that will additionally beautify and purify your home.
- Silver Dollar Plant is a fantastic drought-tolerant succulent with distinctly shaped leaves.
- Chinese Money Plant a hardy plants that enjoys bright spots in the home.
- Oxalis or False Shamrock a native to Brazil with brightly colored leaves and prefers a sunny window.
- Pothos Plant a very hardy varietal that is popular in offices and public spaces.

If you need to fill a palatial space, here are a few more houseplants that fit the bill and help unify a grand area – The Giant White Bird of Paradise, the Rubber Plant, the Areca Palm, the infamous Mother In Law Tongue or Snake plant.
Succulents are perfect for the busy homeowner. Most succulents are hardy and need little water or maintenance.
Tiny succulents can be arranged artfully and in groupings for visual appeal or can even be grown vertically in living vertical gardens.
Visit your local nursery, let the experts help with the selection, and offer care tips for these delightful living accouterments to any home or condo.

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