A Modern Mountain Sanctuary (Jackson Hole, WY)
EXQUISITE SIMPLICITY & DESIGN Builder: Peak Builders | Peakbuildersjh.comLocation: Jackson Hole, WYSquare feet: 9,000 l Guest House: 1,000Bedrooms: 1Bathrooms: 4 It started with an owner’s dream to come to the paradise we call Jackson Hole. Soon the owner’s vision was in the hands
A Hybrid Timber Frame Masterpiece Overlooking The Okanagan Valley
Cover House by Heritage Construction (Okanagan Valley, BC)Photos by Byron Kane, Legend Photography & Design Builder: Heritage Construction | heritageconst.caLocation: Okanagan Valley, BCSquare feet: 6,154Bedrooms: 3Baths: 4 buy https://treatmentroomgroup.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/wpcode/ca