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Episode 07: Heather Osmond of Osmond Designs (Park City, UT)

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Topics Discussed

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  • [02:45] Passing on the wisdom of entrepreneurship to the kids
  • [05:22] The power of dreaming big
  • [09:31] Heather’s all-time favorite client stories
  • [11:42] Osmond Designs’s amazing stores
  • [18:11]  Building the biggest interior design and furniture company in the state
  • [22:13] The future of Osmond Designs
  • [24:54] What makes Osmond Designs Unique
  • [28:02] How Pinterest and Houzz changed Osmond Designs
  • [31:54] Granny Panties at the store
  • [34:02] Heather on how anyone can live the American Dream

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Key Quotes from Episode

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  • Building a home is a team effort. It’s not just the interior designer or the electrician or the plumber. Everybody feeling passionate and doing their best is what makes a home incredible.
  • It’s my sacred responsibility to help [my clients] make their home somewhere they love to be.
  • You only fail if you don’t get back up, because all of us are going to get knocked down.
  • What makes Osmond Designs unique and me, specifically, is that I listen to my clients, and I genuinely care about them and their family and how they live.
  • If you’re willing to live like no one will, you can live like no one can

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