Stofft Cooney Architects

Naples, FL | Sarasota, FL

Randall Stofft and partner John Cooney of Stofft Cooney Architects in Naples, Florida; have both accumulated a reputation for exemplary, award winning architecture that’s best described as the brilliant blend of form and vision, style and structure.

Throughout their 40+ year careers, the firm has been honored with a range of projects including intimate high-end residences to substantial estates, mixed use buildings, and luxury resort properties. Stofft and Cooney have amassed a portfolio of awe-inspiring architecture throughout Florida and other select locales of the world. Today the firm’s portfolio is diversified with an impeccable reputation and eternal passion for couture architecture which reflect their clients’ tastes. With John at the helm to ensure that each project is as extraordinary as it is original – regardless of architectural style, our clients are assured of personal attention combined with an individualized celebration of the architectural design experience.

Our vision for all we create is to pass the test of time and design a unique piece of architecture with modern day amenities to be enjoyed for generations to come. By adhering to our core principles and architectural standard, we seek to make each endeavor an entirely original work. With a strong customer service mindset and our own ambition we strive to exceed our clients’ expectation. For us, every precise architectural detail has a much significance as the most major components in our design. All of these add to the depth & dimension when creating a distinctive piece of architecture. These unique features will capture your attention as you ponder what we’ve created